Ethnobotany of southern California native plants:
Yerba Mansa (Anemopsis californica)

Iconic white flowers of yerba mansa surrounded by large white bracts.

Yerba mansa in the winter
Yerba Mansa (Anemopsis californica)
Yerba mansa is the only species in the Anemopsis genus. The plant is also referred to as ‘lizard tail’.
This perennial herb can be seen growing in wet alkaline soils below 6,000 feet. The plant is recognizable by its dramatic spike of white flowers that surface in the spring. This inflorescent spike of flowers is surrounded by large white bracts. These bracts are often mistaken for white petals.
Yerba mansa uses
This herb is versatile. Native Americans in southern California used yerba mansa for different applications. Most notably, the plant was used as a disinfectant. The plant functioned as an anti-bacterial, an anti-fungal and a general anti-microbial. A powder of dried root was sprinkled on infected cuts to keep them clean. The Cahuilla people of the Mojave Desert used yerba mansa to disinfect cuts related to knife wounds.
The Cahuilla also applied the plant to promote the growth of new skin after a wound.
Yerba mansa benefits
Yerba mansa was also used as a douche. A tea made from the roots was used to treat venereal sores. Apparently, yerba mansa can fight vagainal candidiasis.
Similar to goldenseal plant, yerba mansa has been used to treat inflammation of the gums, throat and mucous membrane. This anti-inflammatory effect was also applied towards arthritis issues.
This herb can be administered as a tea, a tincture or dried and eaten. The plant is still popular in Las Cruces, New Mexico, where people make a poultice from the leaves to address muscle swelling and inflammation.
Yerba mansa has a peppery taste and odor.
Interestingly, the word ‘mansa’ means peaceful and calm in Spanish. However, there are no reported sedative effects derived from this plant.
Please return to our main Ethnobotany of southern California page.
On our main ethnobotany page, we present a clickable list of the southern California native plants that became a part of the culture of Native Americans and early European settlers. These plants were used for medicine, food, shelter, drink, tools and art.
Warning: The information about plants on this website is intended for general educational purposes only. The author of this website accepts no responsibility for problems arising from the user’s misidentification, misuse, or use of plants. Please read the full TERMS associated with this website.
Looking for a book that will connect you with the wild elements of this planet?
Here’s my recommended reading list.
Warning: All of my books contain a botany, ethnobotany or drug discovery component.

The author, Dr. Kevin Curran, in the Sonoran Desert.
Dr. Curran has a long history as a research biologist: working with genetics, molecular biology, neuroscience and ethnobotany. He is currently researching new ways to use plants to address human health issues.
One more thing…
I talk to a lot of people in the medicinal plant community and I often hear about free trial offers on interesting new botanical supplements.
Onnit is a fitness and supplement company that works with scientists to create powerful combinations of plants and mushrooms.
Onnit is currently giving away free trial bottles of their most popular supplements (Alpha Brain, New Mood and Shroom TECH Sport).
Scroll down and I’ll share details…
Alpha Brain
Alpha Brain is the flagship product that put Onnit on the map. This supplement is filled a blend of many of the plants I discuss on my review of natural brain stimulants. One component to this pill is called huperzine A. Huperzine A is an alkaloid chemical from a strange plant called a Fir Moss. When ingested in small amounts this compound interacts with acetylcholine activity in our brain and is thought to enhance mental performance.
Onnit has conducted some clinical trials on Alpha Brain to demonstrate its benefits on verbal memory and mental processing speed. Click here to read about these trials or to sign up and get a free bottle of Alpha Brain delivered to your home.
Shroom Tech SPORT
This capsule is designed to enhance physical performance and is used regularly by athletes in competition. Shroom TECH consists of a blend of cordyceps mushrooms, adaptogens, antioxidants and methyl B-12. The idea is to naturally boost your ATP production within the cells of your body.
Onnit has conducted clinical trials on weightlifting and training performance with this product. Click here to read about the clinical trials or sign up for a free trial bottle of Shroom TECH Sport.
New Mood
This supplement is centered around the role of serotonin in our brain. We know that serotonin levels in certain parts of our brain have a significant effect on our overall mood. These capsules are filled with vitamins and other compounds that support various elements of the serotonin pathway. If you would to give this a try, click here for a free trial offer.
The health claims and statements regarding any health supplements mentioned on this page have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This page contains affiliate links and I may be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. Read more…